Friday 28 June 2013

Medical Park Hospital Mogadishu [U/C]

Translated from Turkish:

62-bed hospital will be built in the area of 500 thousand square meters, all the architectural design and construction, by FOM Group Architecture completed in as little as 2 months. medical equipment, except for the construction of the hospital is expected to be 2 million 500 thousand TL in the cost of all expenses FOM Group Architecture ' of own resources will be provided.
Operation of the hospital's Medical Park Hospitals Group, the need for staff to meet Doctors Organisation. Project completed and will begin construction of the new year for the hospital, a team of Turkish engineers and architects, materials, then hit the road to reach the Port of Mogadishu. Medical Park Hospitals Group in Turkey 12 hospital that performs all design projects and the construction of FOM Group Architecture, 180 tons of construction materials, along with seven trucks and two tractor port of Mersin on Monday, October 17, 2011 sent by boat to Somalia. -- Source

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